
Home / Projects / University Hospital Geelong Paediatric Emergency Dep... /

[Thursday, 27 March, 2025]

[12:28:42 AM]

Home / Projects / University Hospital Geelong Paediatric Emergency Dep... /

[Thursday, 27 March, 2025]

[12:28:42 AM]

[Status: Completed 2024]

[Client: Department of Health]

[Size: 5,000m2]

Projects →

University Hospital Geelong - Paediatric Emergency Department

Geelong, Victoria

Patient Focused

The University Hospital Geelong Children’s Emergency Department has been compassionately redesigned to improve the patient experience by functioning as an independent unit within the broader ED. 

The new department includes:

  • 27 additional and dedicated treatment spaces, including 4 Triage Bays, 2 Resuscitation Bays, 8 Short Stay Bays, 9 Acute Bays and 4 Consulting/ Treatment Rooms 
  • A dedicated x-ray room 
  • Separate Entry, Triage and Waiting 
  • Family and low stimulus rooms
The Paediatric Emergency Department will function autonomously, but the staff members working in this area will also be part of the broader UHG emergency team, allowing for collaboration and resource-sharing between the two departments. The design delivers solution that separates adult and paediatric presentations, with shared access to the ambulance bay and direct connectivity to the Adult Emergency Department.